Esther & Rachel

This photo was before the digital camera era. So much easier not having to scan everything. I'd say there'd be a major consensus on that score. This photo was taken on the 21st of November 2006 at 6 pm after I had had to give the young cow a hand to calve the little heifer my mother named Rachel. Esther was a Red Devon the calf fathered by our long since gone Hereford commercial bull. Both have since left the farm sold to a neighbour of ours and they're doing just great. Red Devons are great for both dairy and beef. They have great temperaments and are ideal for smaller properties. They thrive on poorer pastures and have easy calving. Rachel was really an experiment to see what kind of calf we'd get by crossing Hereford over Red Devon. The verdict a nice calf - if she had been a bull we would have been eating her by now. Yum roast beef.


  1. you're right, those type of cows are awesome and very easy to deal with. My parents had the same 4 cows, two of which had babies and they were all so tame. They use to come up the fence when we called them.

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  3. I love Red Devons. Now I have all Dairy but they're still great animals. I'll get some more again later on when we destock a little more that is.


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