A Mini and me?

You see them in the show ring looking the perfect version of a full sized horse. They are of course the miniature horse. Small but perfect in every way or so they say. I'm used to my horses being at least 15 hands, not um..32 inches high.

Years back, when I was still young and crazy enough to get on anything, I used to ride an 10 hand high shetland cross pony who had a back like an arm chair, and a neck like a rod of iron. He was a hard ride with a mouth like a rock, and the will to match. Few could get on him and then stay on the little rotter's back. He was cute though and really did have a nice nature. He was fun to take out to the beach though. He could gallop hard out, and stay up with the bigger horses. He's long since passed on now and I can hardly recall his name.

These days at my age I'm getting a bit creaky in the joints, and one too many falls makes me think twice about just getting on anything. Over the next few weeks it looks like we'll have some additions to the crew at the farm here. Two are Miniature Horses. And that means a rethink about exactly how we'll deal with them.

The girls are looking forward to it. Me well I'm not 100% sure on it, but oh hey what the heck. I was looking at outfits in one my horse magazines. I'm not sure if I look all right in that getup in the cartoon above. My sticking out hair just doesn't look right. Mind you I'd end up being the only one in the ring with the short guy there. One look at me and the competition will run for the hills screaming "Let us out of here!'" Trouble is I'll most likely scare the judge out of the ring too! As for all of that darned lipstick! Frightening to say the least. It makes me think back on another happening to do with a miniature horse.

One time a few years back I was leading an Arabian colt past a lady who was leading a miniature horse. I wondered why the colt was starting to dance a round a bit and start acting like a typical stallion. The lady was quite hoity toity with a fancy outfit on and her nose several feet in the air. As I passed she huffed and declared out loudly 'Watch out! I have a stallion!' I blinked looked at her and said "Well what do you think I have? And it's several times the size of yours lady!" She huffed once more and ponced off with her rather attractive, and most likely very expensive miniature. I just shook my head. Some people at times really think they are just it. Shows should be for fun not for snobbery.

Well that's my madness for now. Whatever you do today make sure you have a laugh and a smile. It's good for the health and for the soul. So keep on laughing! I know I am.


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