An Old Image of Hay Baling on the Causer Farm in Maungaturoto

My good friend Allan Flower is now in his eighties and is a descendant of several of the earliest settlers that came to the area during the early 1860's. Alan had kept a collection of early photos from his boyhood and asked me to digitise them just in case any ever got damaged. He also asked me to share them with other people so they could enjoy these precious images too. This one is of hay baling on the Causer family farm possibly during the early twenties.


  1. Thats cool! You know, reading how he asked you to put them on something that would last through time, there are really arent a lot of people around now to tell us about history, how like was like when they were young. Think about it, when we are old, the 80"s is what we'll be telling about....Oh God help us - no one wants to relive that era!

  2. I love this photo it is just so cool. Wait til you guys see the next one I'm going to put up. I could just see us all talking about the eighties....When I was young I had a hair style that looked like old brooms sticks and I was a Flasher on Queen Street..gee I think when I'm a granny I had better hide my blogs..LOL


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