Art Stuff - Wildlife Snow Leopard -2003 - And he needs a nose job desperately

I made my first attempt at doing a big cat in 2003. Not bad - but the head was all wrong. Someone suggested it wasn't big enough, so I changed it and later regretted ever having done so. Look at a real snow leopard I doubt he has a snout like this fella has! Well I've learned a heck of a lot about cat anatomy since this one was done. Snow Leopards are stunning animals ,which is way I chose to attempt drawing one in coloured pencil. I am going to redo this again when I can - the next version will be way better.
You can read all about Snow Leopards on:
Cats Blog - Of Cats has really useful and interesting information on the snow leopard and every kind of cat you can think of. Worth a read which is why I follow it. Thanks Cats your blog is awesome.


  1. Not laughing, but the poor guys nose is funny! LOL but the rest is beautiful, I love the big cats too...I always wanted a leopard or tiger when I was little for a pet...yeah I was not knowlegable then but we all can have dreams right? I think thats why the farm suits me so well...I get to work with animals, even though I never did my dream becoming a vet

  2. I keep looking at it and laughing my head off!!! The nose is well awful!! That is really bad - what is it with us!! I wanted to be a vet too - okay so we both ended up living on farms - your one is like many times way bigger. Gosh no-one would see me for days way out there. Dreams are always allowed Rae. This poor cat needs a seriously good plastic surgeon to undo his big nose. LOL

  3. well maybe his snout is a tad long but his fur is beautiful & If you have internet you have the painting and drawing channel - click on the words and you will get the you tube channel new lessons every week - I got some excellent soap from Rachel I'm using some and the rest are little christmas gifts

  4. He looks great nevertheless. Snow Leopards are such magnificent animals - and thanks for mentioning my blog. It was very kind of you :)
    I think it's a nice attempt at drawing the big cat, considering that it was your first. You got the big floofy tail right, people could've missed that too. The paws could be a little bigger and more furry I think.

    Living on a farm is a dream of mine too and some day when I settle down, I'd like to build a farm too..

  5. Hi Kathleen - Oh aren't you wonderful!!!! I am going to go and take a look. I like how the rest of him turned out - just not the nose it is so sad...!

  6. Cats you are absolutely right. I think this poor cat needs some serious tlc.I kept it because it reminds me of where I once was and just how far I have come with both my art and my life.

    I think one day you will get that farm you want. I did and I waited forty years for it! But I might have to exchange that in twenty years for a Game reserve or a zoo because my daughter Inaya wants to be a Wildlife Vet!!!


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