Back with a rattle and a small banger of a post

Oh lordie I haven't blogged in weeks. Way too much going on and each time I thought "I'll write a blog post" the words just weren't there to put down. I attempted to have a draft post on standby with little diary type notes and then that fell by the wayside as well. Bleeding my woes all over the internet just isn't how I do things. I've had challenges both family ones and farm ones. We've lost our two cows to next door again. The kids found them in with Terry's future autumn calvers and some bulls. Whoops guess we'll be seeing a couple of jersey calves next year. Any way this is just a quick post to say yes I am still here. When some more words come to me I'll write another post. One thing I can tell you - we have earlier than normal frosts this year. The rainfall hasn't been overly significant either. In a way I'm glad we haven't had huge volumes of rain otherwise by now I would be up to my eyeballs in mud! For some odd reason I looked up how many sheep there were per person in New Zealand. Rather trivial I know. Seven sheep for every person. It used to be 20 sheep per person which just shows you the numbers of woolly brethren have dropped significantly over the last few years. Still we're outnumbered seven to one by wool-wearing revolutionaries! Yes that's my sad humour coming through again I suppose. I was watching an interesting documentary just the other day about a farm in Devon in the UK, and the implications of what intensive scale farming can do to the land. It's worth watching because it's done by a young woman who took over the family farm from her father. It's quite an eye opener. Titled "Farm for the Future" We need our farms and our farmers, in syaing that we also all need to change how we do things to grow our food.


  1. I've been much the same Liz, by the time I put photos & updates on facebook I cant seem to be bothered blogging about it, had to kick my butt about that. LOL.

    1. I've been hopeless! I've tried a few times I still seven draft posts there but they just didn't seem to work. Here's to "try again" LOL

  2. Hi Liz, glad to hear from you again. Yes I'm pleased about the lack of rain/mud too! Interesting about the sheep numbers. I would be interested to know what the possums/human ration is though! I see loads of them on the road on my way to work at night, unfortunately they are good at dodging cars! I hear you about the blogging too, I've been slack at posting much lately too. Take care, Bridget x

  3. Glad you're back on the blog, Liz. I always enjoy your posts and your drawings. I don't know what the ratio of cows to people is in Oklahoma, but they far outnumber us humans :) I hope your neighbor's bulls were suitable for your little jerseys!


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