Catching up time...

It's been exactly a month since I last blogged about anything. I just haven't had much time. When I figured I might then I just couldn't think what to write. So much has happened since my last blog post. We're into a new year already. The girls started back at school at the beginning of this week, much to their disappointment that the holidays were over.

It's been so far a long dry summer. Rain has been scarce and the soil moisture level has dropped to zero. It's part of how the seasons go. Being prepared for it has been something that we just take as part of the normal part of the seasonal changes that go on. I took some pics this morning of the Terrorist, Spirit and Emerald (aka the CAT TROLL!) under the palms.

Terrorist was her usual cute and friendly self. We're still waiting for the bull to be dropped off. Eventually Abe will arrive and hopefully Terrorist will get in calf. She's big enough now for me to let her have a calf. We had some problems with the heifer that's still here. We think she slipped a calf somewhere on the farm but have never found anything. Her udder filled up with milk. She was like that for almost six weeks. Now I noticed today the cow has dried off. Thank goodness she was far too young to have a calf any way.

I judged pet goats at the Paparoa A & P Show last Saturday. Michelle ended up taking a Dexter calf for one of her school friend's mum. I went around the show after my judging obligation was over and took lots of photos. I'll share them in my next update. There were some really impressive bulls being shown in the cattle section, as well as breeds referred to here in New Zealand as exotics. My friend Janet brought along two of her miniature cows and their two beautiful heifer calves. Small breeds of cattle are ideal for smaller farms. They are lighter and don't make such an impact on the pasture as larger breeds do.

I'll leave you with Emerald who was watching the Terrorist at the time. She's as evil as ever but cute. Dream keeps vanishing on us all of the time, only to return a week later. We think she goes bush but who knows. Funny kitty she is. Well that's me for now. More later on. Got to get out and carry on with my 'garden' project I'm doing down in the blackberry patch, but that's another story.


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